Tips to help you prepare for a Successful 2023 in Real Estate

2023 is here with us. With a new year comes a fresh start and new opportunities. We all aspire to do more. As a real est ...

Guide to the procedure for amalgamation of plots in Kenya

Amalgamation involves the combination of two or more pieces of land that are under separate titles into one piece o ...

8 Real Estate Advertising Ideas Guaranteed to Improve Christmas and 2022 Sales

The holiday season can be a struggle for selling and buying real estate. But Christmas is not the time for you  ...

Types of Marketing Branding Strategy in Real Estate

In this article, we are going to discuss several types of brand strategies. We will also discuss why an effective brand ...

Properties left out of Adisasa by the ministry of lands

In Kenya laws, Section 6 of the Land Act (No. 6 of 2012) gives the mandate to the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Lands and P ...

Learn Arhisasa through review of its most frequently asked questions

Ardhisasa system, which was unveiled on 27th April 2021 by the President, seeks to resolve the historical problems experienced by ...

Top ten challenges with the Ardhisasa System

The Ardhisasa online system developed to ease land transactions has been with us for a few months. As with any new syste ...

How the process of digitization works though ardhisasa at Ardhi House

Since Independence, land has been an emotive matter, owing to historical injustices, fraud and the manipulation of land documents ...

Ultimate guide to understanding Ardhisasa

Ardhisasa is an online platform that allows Citizens, other stakeholders and interested parties to interact with land information ...

Networking Tips for Real Estate Agents in Kenya

Real estate is a rewarding career but many real estate agents don’t survive the first year. Part of this could be attri ...

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