Real Estate Agent Guide to to Targeting Millennial Home Buyers in Kenya

Millennial home buyers have entered the housing market in a big way and are beginning to make up a bigger population of homebuyers. This trend is bound to continue. Now is the perfect time to invest in this target audience by customizing your properties for sale to appeal to their expectations, needs and wants. Following these tips will help you with more bids from potential buyers, and possibly sell your home quickly and for more money.

Below are some tips to follow that will help you sell more homes to millennials.

1.       Be available online.

2.       Take good listing photos.

3.      Build Smaller Houses

4.       Adding Smart Home Technology 

5.       Adding a Home Office 

6.       Utilize Open Plan Spaces

7.       Choose Low-Maintenance Materials

8.       Pick the right Location

1.   Be available online.

Most millennials start their search online. Your online profile is the first impression they will have of you. Having a Facebook page is an easy start where you can list your properties. We have created a guide on best practices that you can use as a real estate agent.  

A website will also help where you can provide more details about you or your company. We have several websites designs we can share with you, just contact us.Millennials like using their phones to search for real estate. Therefore, always make your listings are well seen on phone.

2.   Take good listing photos.

As more people start their search online, having good property photos will create a good first impression and increase the chances of potential buyers coming in person. To appeal to millennial visitors, ensure you have high resolution images on your listings. Remember, this loves technology and the more up-to-date and advanced your website looks, the better.

3.      Build Smaller ‘Green’ Houses

Millennials prefer small size houses. Apartments are thus getting more buyers than bungalows. Millennials realize the benefits of smaller homes: less maintenance, fewer expenses, and more energy-efficient. For new builds, millennials prefer a well-designed, smaller home that’s functional for their lifestyle. Remember to make the home eco friendly.

4.      Add Smart Home Technology 

Adding technology to the home will excite millennial buyers into purchasing your home. Ensure the home has amenities like Wi-Fi or cable internet. Other items like cable TV are a must. You could also have smart technology on appliances like security that allow homeowners to conveniently control their home from anywhere as well as reduce their energy bills.

5.      Add a Home Office 

With more and more people working from home, adding space that can be double up as a home office is a plus to many millennial homebuyers. Creating this space allows these millennial homebuyers to have a designated area where they will be able to work from home easily and comfortably. 

6.      Utilize Open Plan Spaces

Open plan living isn’t a new thing, but millennial home buying trends are making it more popular than ever. Millennial home buyers in Kenya love socializing and hosting their friends. They are then attracted to large, open spaces that can accommodate a group of people where they can mingle with, have fun. When building homes with millennials in consider the idea of an open kitchen and a nice spacious living area. Tear down a wall or two to create a more open look.

7.      Choose Low-Maintenance Materials

Millennial homebuyers are interested in low-maintenance homes. Millennial homebuyers in Kenya do not want to spend their time on significant repairs, home-maintenance or even cleaning their homes. They prefer things that will last and are easy to maintain. For example, they often prefer wooden floors that are much easier to keep clean than carpets. The key is to balance gorgeous decor with low maintenance. 

8.      Pick the right Location

Real estate is always about location. Millennials are a generation of convenience. Besides the features of the houses you are selling, young people will always consider the location they will be moving to. They always love places where they can engage in different activities, good attractive things like the gyms, restaurants among many more. At times they would prefer taking public transport. Consider how easy is it to get public transportation in the area. Is the house located close to a bus stop?

9. Focus on Outdoor Spaces

Millennials spend more time outside driving demand for usable outdoor spaces including lawn gardens, patios, and even balconies. If you have access to the outdoors in your property, make sure that it’s well advertised.  We’d also recommend showing how the space can be used to give potential buyers inspiration for what they could do with a space. You can do this by placing a couple of garden chairs and a potted plant or two.


Millennials have a different attitude when it comes to homeownership compared to other people. While the older generation is looking for a good home that will provide stability where they can stay for a long period of time, millennials want to live in places where they can easily access their jobs while maintaining their social lives. This means that they consider living in places where they can move quickly and manage their errands without wasting time. Proximity to malls and entertainment spots is a plus.

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