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Simple Steps for Legal tenant eviction in Kenya (with sample eviction notice)

Simple Steps for Legal tenant eviction in Kenya (with sample eviction notice)

Two laws in Kenya govern tenancy and resulting disputes. These are The Rent Restriction Act Cap 296 Laws of Kenya and The Landlord and Tenant (shops, hotel and catering establishment Act) Cap 301. Other laws include Land Laws (Amendment) Act 2016 which brings amendment to the Land Act 2012 and the Land Registration Act 2012…

Gakuyo charged with Sh1 billion fraud

Gakuyo charged with Sh1 billion fraud

Televangelist David Kariuki Ngari alias Gakuyo has been charged with conspiring to defraud members of the public of over Sh1 billion on the pretext that he was able to invest in real estate and the money market. Mr Ngari, who is the founder of Ekeza Sacco, was arraigned Monday before Milimani Senior Resident Magistrate Benmark…

How to get a 2 Bedroom house on sale for Ksh 16,997

How to get a 2 Bedroom house on sale for Ksh 16,997

The Ministry of Lands and Housing has invited members of the public to purchase ready units constructed under the government’s affordable housing project in Bondeni, Nakuru County. The ministry stated that two-bedroom units measuring 64 Square Metres will be going for Sh3.2 million while 3-bedroom units measuring 85 Square metres will cost Sh4.3 million. Once…

Relief for families in Kirima Land as family changes tune

Relief for families in Kirima Land as family changes tune

The family of Gerishon Kirima family has said it is reluctant to evict families from its 1,000 acres in Njiru. The family said in a statement it has offered the current occupants the right of first offer to buy the plots they occupy. Hundreds of families live on the 1,000 acres that the Environment and…

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