Real Estate Social Media Marketing Plan

It’s no longer a secret how social media is becoming an ‘online home’ for many. Many people spend most of their daytime on social platforms. For instance, statistics show that Facebook alone has over 1.9 billion daily users. And that tells you how it’s easy to meet potential clients on the platform because most people use it daily. As a result, you should create a real estate social media marketing plan. In this blog, we will show you how you can make an effective and result-driven social media marketing plan. We also share marketing blogs to help you scale your real estate business in Kenya. Subscribe to receive our marketing blogs whenever we publish them. Keep reading to learn more about social media marketing plans.

Basics of a Social Media Marketing Plan

1. Choose a social media platform

As you all know, several social media platforms have different audience capacities. When doing social media marketing for a real estate business, you should research the most suitable platforms for the work.

An excellent social media platform for real estate should have a good audience flow. For instance, Facebook alone has over 1.9 billion daily users across the globe.

Currently, it’s easy to learn about visitors on your, let’s say, Facebook page. You can access their age, location and probably their income levels.  With such data, you’ll know when to send your audience and what kind of messages.

The content of your social media posts should be a mix of educational articles, photos and videos of properties you are selling or have sold. You can also include personal posts that give potential clients a sense of who you are. 

Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest are other platforms that work well for real estate investors. However, you should approach these platforms with different perspectives and marketing strategies. 

2. What’s your budget?

When doing marketing, you’ll need a budget to allocate. For instance, you’ll need a copywriter to help you draft the best marketing posts for your audience. You can also use paid Ads on these social platforms, and all those need money.

For instance, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Tiktok have paid Ads services. The good thing about these Ads is you can choose your audience’s age, gender, and location. 

These specifications will help you to target the right audience in the correct location. Otherwise, it will make no sense to advertise your Kenyan rental property to US residents. But you can advertise to foreigners your property for sale.

3. Social media management tool

You can have busy schedules, which can limit your marketing efforts. That’s why social media management tools can help you out. It is now easy to schedule marketing posts on your pages with one tool. 

Some of these social media management tools have analytics dashboards where you can track comments and the number of people seeing your posts. These tools help you maintain your presence on social platforms.

4. What’s your content strategy?

As long as you’re marketing, you don’t need any words. You need convincing words to sell to your audience. The words you use will turn a visitor into a potential lead. 

Therefore, hire a professional to help you structure the best social media marketing content that will create interest for potential investors. 

Your marketing content should be short and straight to the point. As you all know, people scroll past long social media posts. Therefore, a brief description of your property will be ideal for marketing.

However, the post should contain all essentials, location, and contact address. You should include a call to action like register, WhatsApp, Message us, etc. The message should be very convincing to make someone take action.

5. What are your goals and objectives?

Whenever you are starting a marketing campaign, you should have a goal to achieve at the end. You may want more subscribers to your real estate website, build brand awareness, or get more leads.

Your goals should be the driving force behind your social media strategy. What do you hope to achieve by using social media?  Once you know your goals, you can start to create content that aligns with those goals.

You can have objectives that will enable you to achieve your long-term goals. For instance, you can aim to post 5 marketing and informative articles daily on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

In addition, you can have an objective to create 5 Instagram videos and images within a week. 

All objectives you set should help you achieve your social media marketing goals. 

6. Analytics 

You should often check the progress of your social media marketing. The earlier you learn the progress, the better. In addition, it’s easy to change a criterion that’s not working to a more advanced one. 

Always ensure you track the performance of your social media posts. That will help you know where to improve. 

You can use various metrics to track progress, but some of the most important ones include engagement rates, reach, and leads generated. By tracking these metrics, you can get a good sense of how well your plan is performing and make necessary adjustments.

Benefits of Social Media for Real Estate 

  • Social media can help you build a network of potential clients.You can use social media for marketing your listings and open houses.It’s easy to stay in touch with past clients and referral sources.Social media is a valuable tool for research when you follow other investors 

There are many social media platforms that you can use for real estate marketing. Some of the most popular platforms include Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Each platform has unique features and benefits you can leverage to reach and engage potential customers.


Facebook is a social networking service that allows users to connect with friends and family and make new interactions. It also allows businesses and organisations to create a presence on the site to reach out to their customers and followers.

As a real estate investor, you can share photos, videos, and links and post updates and messages about your property business.  

The Meta business suit allows you to schedule your posts and videos on your Facebook pages and groups. 


Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos. The platform is popular among businesses and individuals who want to share their content with a large audience. You can use the platform to promote your property, services, and events. You can also use Instagram to build brand awareness and create a more personal relationship with your customers.


This social media platform connects professionals in different sectors. LinkedIn is the best platform to help you with networking if you want to build a real estate network.

You can build your brand and gain followers on the Linkedin platform. You can also share helpful tips with your followers. As a result, you may generate more leads.


Social media marketing plans can help you achieve your goals and expand your business. If you follow everything in this blog, you’ll surely build your brand via social media platforms.

We share lots of free tips with investors like you. Therefore, subscribe to learn more about marketing your property business in Kenya.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I create a real estate marketing plan?

You should first understand your target audience and their needs in a property. Afterwards, research which method is most reliable and set a budget for your marketing. 

The second phase of real estate marketing involves creating marketing messages and campaigns for your audience and tracking their performance.

2. Which is the top social media platform for advertising real estate?

Facebook, the most used social media platform, holds power to more marketing conversions. The good thing is you can choose the audience who will see your advertisements if you run paid Ads on the platform.

3. How can I attract customers for my property?

Learning to use different marketing strategies can help you get clients faster. However, don’t try to use all of them as they can consume a lot of money and time with little returns. You can try both online and traditional advertising methods to draw clients.

Online methods include website, social media, email advertising and Paid Ads.

Traditional methods include Radio and TV advertising, printing papers and pinning them in the neighbourhood, and word of mouth

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