8 social media tips for real estate agents to elevate your marketing strategy

used in the right way, Social media can help you as real estate agents reach
a wide audience, within a very short time. This is because todays buyers are
living their lives through digital technology. If you make good use of social media
you will get more leads, close more leads, you will grow your audience and this
will definitely increase your income. We have identified 8 most effective social
media tips that will elevate your marketing strategy.

1. Create a relevant content

first thing to do before creating social media content is to have your
customers in mind. With customers in mind you will be able to make a content
that they want. The next thing is to create relevant content; one that is that
is compelling. In this case your audience wants to know more about real estate.
Let all your social media content help your audience achieve their goals not
about how you will benefit from them. Talk about know about culture,
neighborhoods, safety, and even activities for their kids teach about how to purchase
a home. Educate them and you will generate millions of views on your social
media channels every day.

to read : 7
effective ways to generate leads with content marketing

2. Automate your posts to ensure there
is a consistent posting

is not all about hiring someone to do it and forget it. It’s all about
utilizing tools that allow you to pre-plan your social media posts for the day
for the week or even for the month in advance. This way when the day gets away from
you because you have had extra appointments or you were generating leads then
you will know  that that day you are
going to have a great social media post hitting all of your channels because  you have taken your time to pre-plan out your
posts. Before a potential clients reaches out to you, they first scroll through
your social media feed. They will accept your offer for help only if they will
see consistent posts on social media. The way that you show up online will
impact your brand as a trustworthy real estate expert.  The posts help you build trust with followers
and potential customers. So consistency is key. Some of these tools include Hootsuite,
Buffer, Agorapulse, Coshedule among others. Some are paid and others are free

to read: social
media content calendar, what it is an it’s benefits in real estate business

3.  Create irresistible lead magnets to collect
new leads

a pdf or an E-book for free information in exchange for emails. First you have
to consider who your ideal clients are, what challenges they are facing and the
kind of information they need. After hat create a solution for them inside that
lead magnet. As mentioned earlier be consumer focused because most of the
things that you think are valuable to a customer are not the things not they
have in their minds. Offer things of value even if they have nothing to do with
actual real estate transaction. With that you can be sure that it will attract more
potential clients.

4. Build engaging posts

you ever crafted good social posts and scheduled them across the networks and two
weeks later, you view your social analytics and see no clicks, no likes, no shares
zero social engagement. Well, I have been there. But did you realize where the
problem is? The problem is that your posts are not fun, exciting, and compelling.
Your audience doesn’t need them. You need to make a post seeks your audience
answers, opinions and feedback. You could also Integrate inspirational
quotes and phrases into your social posts. These kind of posts produce more
motivation from your audience and compel them to take action. Let them wake up
to #realestatemotivation. Build emotions in your words, if it is something
funny use emojis , ask them questions concerning their personal life. You could
ask them a question and let them choose their answers .For example

 If we
gave you Ksh100, 000 to spend in our shop, which products would you stock up

a)      cabinets

b)      Chairs and

c)      Beds

d)      Clocks

examples of questions
to ask to boost your social media engagement

5. Consider going niche

of that one person who you want to serve. This could be senior citizens, veterans
etc You don’t have to talk to everyone. Again, look for ideal clients. The more
niche you get in your marketing message the bigger impact it’s going to make.
Go from being in a large open to a smaller ocean. Niche it down to specific
audience that you are serving. There is always less people in trying to get
that one person in the small ocean. By niching down you can make yourself memorable.
You will be setting yourself from unnecessary competitions.

6. Consider using videos

video is like a king in marketing, it’s dynamic and engaging when it comes to attracting
new leads. It one of the most performing posts across all social media
algorithms. It has exploded
in growth on social in recent years. The video can either be a virtual tour or
aerial footage, it is more valuable and more persuasive to both sellers and
buyers since it showcases the property in more details many photos combined
together. There is nothing that is more trusted than property video. See the importance
of video in real estate
.  Also learn how to create
a  successful social media video
marketing strategy.

7. Respond to comments

is in the comment section that you get to know your followers and readers.
Broadcasting alone is not enough, you have to engage back those who are commenting
to your posts quickly. When you talking to them you will be setting a bar for
everyone else who could be having the same question. It will set a precedence  to others on how you handle things .They will
not have to ask the same question again , they will  just look at your comment reply .So be careful
on how you handle negative comments and challenges. Be polite, listen to their
perspective take responsibilities and promise to do better next time.  When you do that you can be sure that your
followers will come back.

8. Keep in touch

at social media channels where you’re your audience are hanging out. Connect
with them, follow them make them your friends engage them, depending on the
social media channel, comment on their posts They are a sphere of your
influence. Statistics show that 70% of your income comes from your sphere of
influence. Take advantage to those online conversations by taking them offline.
Organize a marketing program that is multifaceted and reach out to them through
emails, contacting them or still use social media.


sure you use each platform for it’s intended purpose. Each platform is used differently.
You should not copy and paste the same content on different platforms, every post
should fit it’s  platform. This will definitely
help you reach different audience on different platforms. Read how to effectively use social media for real
to explore these platforms as part of your marketing

If you have not , consider reading the top
7 real estate listing agency sites in Kenya.

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