10 In-demand Real Estate Agents Skills Needed to be a Successful Agent

Real estate is becoming a very competitive field. You need to find a way to list properties available for sale. Beyond listing your land and houses for sale, buyers and sellers are expecting a lot more.  To succeed as a real estate agent, you need to have something extra.

Several skills can give you an edge and help you make more sales. These skills will also set you apart from the competition.

Let’s read together based on my experience in the industry and what I have found to be important. You will also note that most of these skills are important in other industries as well. So, if you are not in real estate, you find these useful as well. Let’s get started!

1.     Local area knowledge

Every real estate agent needs to have adequate knowledge of the area within which they are selling land or houses. If you know your locality, customers will learn to trust and depend on you for guidance. You will need to understand real estate regulations in Kenya. You also need to know of upcoming developments and other real estate agents in your area.

Real estate buyers prefer working with a real estate agent who is knowledgeable. This is because they are about to make one of the biggest decisions of their life. Customers are also about to commit a lot of money.

2.     High Integrity and Trust levels.

Honesty remains one of the best skills to have as a real estate agent. Customers also expect you to show you can be trusted and honest. Thus, real estate customers rely on referrals from friends and family. Being dishonest, unethical and immoral can tarnish a career fast, and for good.

If you have a bad reputation, no real estate buyer will work with you. Reputation matters a lot in real estate. You need to maintain a good client base who can provide evidence of recent successful deals.

3.     Technological skills

Technology advances every day. Therefore, you need to leverage technology to your advantage by being technological savvy.

As a real estate agent, you need to understand how to use social media to sell real estate. From posting to WhatsApp groups and Facebook or showcasing your real estate on Instagram. You can take things to the next level by having a website.

How to use Google Maps to sell more as a real estate Agent

If you do not have a website, then you do not need to worry. Various listing websites are available with some being available for free.

4.     Resilience

Real estate is a tough field. On average, most real estate agents complete a few sales within the year. If you are not resilient, you will not manage to stay long in the field. As an agent, following up on leads requires constant calling and checking on your leads before they convert. Following up on every lead is crucial in achieving success in real estate.

You will need to have a way to keep track of leads.  Having a notebook is a good starting place. Else, invest in an automated system.

Successful real estate agents do not wait for clients to call them. They keep a check on all appointments, meetings and showings themselves. They are also flexible and will adjust their schedule if the client requests.

5.     Passion

To succeed in anything, you need to have passion. Real estate is no exception.

For real estate agents, passion involves enjoying speaking and taking clients to site visits. You also need passion to help people. This is because you will need to support clients make decisions that are best for them.

6.     Teamwork and networking

In real estate, your network is your net worth. If you work alone, you will find customers hard to come by. Referrals remain the way most agents find business. If you do not have a large network, then you will sell less and be unable to find success. Teamwork involves you also providing other real estate agents with referrals and leads.

Networking Tips for Real Estate Agents in Kenya.

For any career, building your network and reputation is important for success. If you’re a local agent serving a small market, getting involved with the community can be a great way to build your brand. By engaging with the community, you can become the â€Ego-to estate agents in the area.

7.     Negotiation skills

Most buyers start their real estate journey online. With a lot of information being available online, buyers have more information than before. With a more knowledgeable client, negotiation skills are becoming important for real estate agents.

The crucial lesson to remember about negotiating is that your goal is not to win but to get a deal done. To do that, you will have to come up with a solution that will satisfy both the buyer and the seller.

8.     communication skills

People prefer to work with people they get along with and like. Buying and selling properties is no different. To have a good rapport with real estate buyers, you then need to have good communication skills.

Good communication skills help to create a good relationship with customers. It also helps to enhance your level of professionalism. You need to be available on most communication channels like email, Skype, WhatsApp, or text messages. You should also be quick at replying to your client’s messages.

You don’t only communicate with the buyer but also the seller during negotiation. In some cases, you’ll need to communicate with your colleagues. Other real estate agents will give you advice or guidance as you grow in the business.

9. Great marketing skills.

The real estate market is becoming more competitive. More real estate agents are joining the industry. To sell land or houses, you need to have great marketing skills.  With the right marketing strategy, you can get more clients and referrals that will help you grow your business.

Here is a more detailed article on top 9 strategies to earn more as a real estate agent.

10.  Familiarity with Rules and Regulations

A real estate agent understands how rules and regulations apply to real estate. In Kenya, you need to understand the Estate Agents Act, The Land Act, Rent Restriction Act and tax matters as well. You need to understand how these affects real estate.

Process of buying property in Kenya

As a real estate agent, you must guide your customers in navigating through all the regulations and not mislead them in any way. Most homeowners are unaware of real estate laws when they buy or sell a house. They depend on a real estate agent to guide them through this complicated process.

There are many skills a real estate agent should have. The above skills are the core skills that will make a successful real estate agent. The effective implementation of these skills will help you have a great and rewarding real estate career. These skills are important whether you’re starting out or already a professional.

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