Building A Real Estate Marketing Campaign: 6 Steps

Every business needs customers, but the main challenge is knowing where and when to find your potential clients. That’s why you should build a real estate marketing campaign.This blog helps you learn how to build an effective real estate marketing campaign. We also have a series of real estate marketing blogs to help you generate more leads. Read the blogs, and remember to subscribe for more helpful content. 

How to Build a Successful Real Estate Marketing Campaign

1. Identify your target audience/market. 

Real estate is location-sensitive, and you cannot market your property in the wrong location. If you do, chances are you will not get good leads as you would have gotten in the correct location. 

When identifying your target market, consider factors such as age, gender, income level, location, interests, and lifestyle. Additionally, you should also consider whether your target market is looking to purchase, rent, or invest in a property.

This information allows you to tailor your messages, visuals, and content to meet their needs and preferences. Researching your target market helps create a more effective and efficient marketing campaign.

Therefore, when building a real estate marketing campaign, you should choose an audience likely to get interested in your property and its location. You can start with the site around the property and the country. 

For example, if you have a property in Nairobi city, you can target buyers in the city and its metro area. In addition, you can target the whole country because Nairobi is an excellent place to invest, and it attracts national and international investors.

You can identify and segment the target audience into sub-groups depending on their demographics, interests, and buying habits.

2. Chose a marketing strategy

We have several marketing strategies for real estate investment. Some drive tremendous results in terms of sales, while others drive a little volume. That’s why you should choose and test a marketing strategy that will work well with your target audience at their preferred locations.

You can research where your target audience hangs out when they are free. It could be websites, social media, or television. Once you learn their preferred mode of communication, get them the message at their comfort.

Consider the channels most likely to reach your target audience and those that could provide the greatest return on investment. For example, if you target first-time home buyers, digital channels such as social media, search engine optimization, and email marketing may be the most effective.

On the other hand, if you are targeting luxury buyers, offline channels such as radio and print advertising are the best option. It is also essential to consider how much time and resources you can commit to each channel.

Your budget may determine how many channels you can realistically use, so it is essential to choose wisely. Ultimately, the proper channels for your real estate marketing campaign will depend on your goals, budget, and target audience.

3. Derive the correct message

You should craft a message that resonates with the target audience and speak to their needs and desires. No matter how good you are at writing, you can be a total stranger in using marketing terms. If you cannot create a good marketing message, hire a copywriter to tit on your behalf.

Remember that your message presentation matters how people will perceive your information. That’s why the message should be straight to the point, explaining why the buyer should buy your property. The message should include a call to action accompanied by contact details.

You should always consider testing different versions of your message to ensure it has the desired effect on your target market.

4. Strategies for Growing Your Reach

You should find ways to increase your visibility and reach for your real estate marketing campaign. By utilising a variety of online and offline channels, you can get more potential clients and build relationships that will help you stand out from the competition.

Some strategies to grow your reach include creating targeted content, optimising your website for SEO, leveraging social media platforms, optimising for local search, building relationships with influencers, and launching email campaigns.

With a well-crafted and comprehensive marketing strategy, you can maximise visibility and build an effective real estate marketing campaign.

5. Follow up

After you’ve sent your marketing message to your target audience, you should follow up with the people who respond. Ensure you tell them more benefits of buying your property since they are potential clients.

At this stage, you hold the cards in convincing the buyer why your property is the best in their preferred location. In addition, you can offer them property tours if they are nearby. Alternatively, you can send them property tour videos during this stage.

6. Measuring Your Results 

This step helps you assess your campaign’s success and identify improvement areas to increase your return on investment. By measuring your results, you can determine which marketing strategies are working and which are not and decide how to adjust your plan accordingly.

Measuring your results includes tracking the number of leads generated, visitors to your website, calls or emails received, and other vital metrics. These metrics will give you a clear picture of your campaign’s performance and allow you to make the necessary adjustments to ensure maximum return on investment.

Benefits of Real Estate Marketing Campaign

  • It can help agents and brokers reach more potential buyers and sellers, generate more leads, and increase brand visibility.
  • The ability to target specific audiences with tailored campaigns
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Create a personal connection with consumers
  • Increase website and social media traffic. 
  • Helps agents and brokers to maintain relationships with past clients   


Building a real estate marketing campaign can be a daunting task. However, you can succeed with the right strategy, resources, and implementation. Understanding the target audience, creating compelling content, and developing a sound budget and timeline is essential.

Our real estate marketing blogs can help you create excellent marketing campaigns for your property business. Read the blogs to learn more marketing tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a marketing campaign in real estate?

A marketing campaign articulates a well-designed message meant for a specific audience. The main aim of a marketing campaign is to generate leads for an investment property.

2. What are the main factors for a successful real estate marketing campaign?

A successful marketing campaign should have clear goals, a specific target audience, and a proper marketing channel.

3. How do I create an effective real estate marketing campaign?

You should start by planning what you need for the campaign, determining your audience, crafting and sending the message through the best channels, and following up on results.

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