Facebook Best practices for Page posts: 5 simple ways to post as a pro

Your audience is looking for a connection and is more likely
to engage with a post that feels personal rather than something that’s
over-produced or obviously not created by you. Your posts should therefore be attractive
and obviously engaging. Use these simple ways to have the best posts

1.       Be Creative

It’s important to create post that
are creative,  for you to capture your
reader’s attention. Use high quality creative images, videos and text,  that will make the audience interact more with
the posts. You should ensure that your post accurately reflects your brand or
your message.


2.       Create actionable content

When an action is directly related
to your business goal, it does not only increase engagement  but also creates value to your business. It’s
therefore advisable to have a call –to- action button to you page highlighted
with the post that needs an action,   prompt
people to call, sign up for something, to book appointments etc. Another way is
by asking your audience friendly but engaging questions that leverage their interest,
and opinions on your post.


3.       Understand your audience

Before developing engaging post,
you need to know who is in your audience. Know where they are from, their age,
their interests and the kind of posts they have interacted with in the past,
and pay attention to engagement of each post that is the likes, comments and
shares. If the engagement is s not so good try to create different types of
posts or different versions until you find a tactic that works for you. Page
can help you learn more about your audience and what content
resonates with them most. You can also grow
your audience and engagement
in 5 simple ways


4.       Keep it simple

Let it be short, clear, sweet, creative and
to the point.

Avoid unnecessary tangents, typo, bad
grammar and wordy sentences

In order to gain attention, write your
posts as Facebook graphics and chose the best color scheme.


5.       Pin 
significant posts

The first thing that your audience sees
when they view open your Facebook page is a pinned post. Pin major announcement
like new app feature, upcoming events or any kind of changes, great testimonial
from a highly satisfied customer, catchy video that sums up your organization,
your best performing content etc. See 8 secrets of having goo posts on your page



Pinned posts on Facebook only stay up for a
week. If you want a post to be pinned for longer than that, you have to
manually repin it every 7 days.

If you pin a post about an upcoming sale, remove
it after the sale to avoid confusing people



Posting blanket statements and opinions usually won’t get a
great response but posting in a way that catches people’s attention, motivates
them to take action  that pays huge

Become a pro today.

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