How to Find Leads for Your First Real Estate Deal

After scoring your first real estate deal, you should focus on getting potential leads. Whether you want to resell at a profit or rent your property, you should follow the right guidelines to get your buyers or tenants.
You should define your lead generation strategy to find leads for your first real estate deal. This strategy should be tailored to your specific goals and objectives.
This blog explains different ways to generate leads, so you’ll need to decide which method or combination will work best for you. Remember that the more you are vigorous with your marketing, the faster you’ll generate leads.
We’ve also written about alternative lead-generation ideas that you can consider in your real estate business. 

Find Leads for Your First Real Estate Deal in Kenya

Before deciding on the best lead generation strategy, you should clearly understand your target market. Who are you trying to reach? What kind of properties are they interested in? What is your budget for marketing and advertising?

Generating leads can be hectic, but it’s important to remember that not all leads will turn into deals. You should focus on quality over quantity. It’s better to have fewer well-qualified leads than a hundred unqualified ones.

1. Business cards

If you’re new to real estate investing, one of the best ways to find leads is by networking with other investors and developers. And a business a good tool to share your contacts.

When you meet someone new, exchange business cards for keeping in touch. You can also use business cards to promote your business or website. If you’re attending a real estate conference or event, have plenty of business cards to exchange with other attendees.

You can also learn about upcoming events and seminars, which can be a great way to meet other investors and learn more about the industry.

2. Social media

Social media has taken the world by storm over recent years. It has become one of the most popular ways for people to connect and share information. Social media is a powerful tool for businesses.

As a real estate investor, you can connect with potential customers on social media, build relationships, and get an idea of what they’re looking for in a property.

Social media can also help you stay up-to-date on the latest real estate news and trends. You can focus on big social media platforms with huge daily traffic. Social media can be a valuable tool for finding leads and growing your business regardless of your platform.

3. Start a blog

A blog can help you share your thoughts, stories, and experiences in the real estate business with the world. It is a way to connect with others with similar interests and can be a great outlet for creativity and self-expression. 

Starting a blog is relatively easy and inexpensive. It is easy to start a blog and monetize it in Kenya.  

4. Start a YouTube Channel

YouTube is among the top-visited search engines in the world. Therefore, it can be a great place to start a real estate business. You can use YouTube to find leads for your first real estate deal.

To start, you’ll need to create a channel. You can use your account or create a new one specifically for your business. Once you have a channel, you’ll need to start creating video content. 

You can create videos about any number of topics related to real estate. For example, you could create a virtual tour of a property you are selling or an educational video about the home-buying process. You can also use YouTube to create live-stream broadcasts, which can be a great way to connect with potential leads in real-time. 

You should promote your YouTube channel by sharing your videos on social media, using paid advertising, and collaborating with other YouTubers. 

It can take some time to build up a following on YouTube. However, if you produce quality content and promote your channel effectively, you can find leads for your first real estate deal.

5. Email marketing campaigns

Email marketing campaigns are a great way to generate leads for your first real estate deal. You should keep a few things in mind when creating your marketing campaign.

Ensure your email list is targeted and up-to-date.

Personalise your emails as much as possible.

Keep your emails short and to the point. 

Include a strong call to action. 

By following these tips, you can create an email marketing campaign that will generate leads and help you close your first real estate deal.

6. Research your competing investors

As a new real estate investor, it is important to research your competitors to learn from their strategies and find new leads. Once you understand your competitors, you can ensure your investment strategies are unique and tailored to your specific goals.

Start by searching online for real estate investment firms in your area. Once you have a list of firms, visit their websites and read their blog posts and articles to get an understanding of their marketing strategies. Additionally, you can attend local real estate investing meetups and events to network with and learn from your competition.

By taking the time to research your competing investors, you will be able to gain insight into their strategies and find new leads for your real estate investing business.

7. Direct mail

You can use direct mail to find potential leads for your first real estate deal. Direct mail involves sending a letter or postcard to a list of potential leads. You can buy a list of leads from a list broker or generate your list.

To generate your list, you can use a tool like Google Maps to find potential properties in your target area and then get the contact information for the owners of those properties. Once you have a list of leads, you can start sending out your direct mail campaign.

8. Stay organised and keep good records

You should always stay organised and keep good records when looking for your first real estate deal. It will help you keep track of the potential clients and the progress you are making.

Keeping a notebook or spreadsheet of the contact information for the real estate agents you speak to is also a good idea. This way, you can follow up with them later and see if they have any new clients on their list that fit your criteria.


You’ve taken the first step in your real estate investing journey by learning how to find leads for your first deal. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t find a lead right away. Just keep searching, and you will eventually find one.

Once you find a lead, do your due diligence to ensure it’s a good deal before you move forward.

Meanwhile, you can check some other lead-generation strategies to help you in your real estate business in Kenya.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do new agents find leads?

The best way to find new leads as a new agent is by implementing all marketing strategies one at a time. This idea will help you know what works and what does not work. It is also a great way of navigating the property market.

How can I get free real estate leads as a new agent?

Word of mouth is a free method of advertising your property business. You can tell your family and friends about your property, and they can help you pass the word to their friends interested in it.

How can I get leads fast?

The more aggressive you are with marketing your real estate business, the more likely you’ll get leads fast. In addition, you should ensure you follow up on potential leads till you close a deal with them.

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