A discharge of charge is the legal procedure of removing an existing charge from a land title. It is an important procedure that requires the involvement of registered advocates and parties involved in the transaction. In this blog post, we will provide a detailed overview of the discharge of charge application process, highlighting the key steps and requirements.
1. Log in to https://ardhisasa.lands.go.ke/account/login using your credentials, including your identification number or ardhisasa ID and password.
2. Enter your Ardhisasa ID and password click Continue. A one-time password (OTP) will be sent to your registered phone number. Enter the OTP in the provided field.
3. Upon logging in, you will be directed to your private account. To perform a charge process, you need to switch to your advocate account.
4. Click on the profile icon and select the professional account that has been approved for you as an advocate.
5. Switch to your advocate account, you will find a dashboard with various departments and services listed. Since the charge process falls under the Land Registration Department, Click on Charge. Within the Charge section, you will find several services related to charges. These services include Charge Consent, Discharge of Charge, Informal Charge, Memorandum of Variation of Charge, Transfer of Charge, and Partial Discharge of Charge.
6. Within the Charge section, you will also notice five application tabs: Pending, Ongoing, Completed, Rejected, and Cancelled. These tabs organize your charge applications based on their status. Pending applications require further action, ongoing applications are being processed, completed applications have been approved, rejected applications were not accepted, and cancelled applications were discontinued. Your applications will be listed accordingly.
7. To initiate a charge application, click on the New Application tab located in the top right corner. Before proceeding, you will be provided with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to the charge process. Take the time to explore these FAQs to familiarize yourself with relevant terminologies.
Read: How to Conduct Land Search on Ardhisasa
8. Enter the principal amount secured for the charge and select the appropriate currency. Move to the parcel details section and input the parcel number in the required format. If there are multiple parcels, add them accordingly.
9. Provide the chargor details, including their ardhisasa ID or power of attorney entry number.
10. Click on search. You will receive a pop-up box requiring you to choose the category of person to execute as the chargor. There are two categories, the chargor can execute on his or her own behalf, or an attorney can execute on behalf of a chargor. If it is an attorney executing on behalf of a chargor, select attorney then you will be required to provide the power of attorney entry number.
11. Enter Chargee ardhisasa ID. If it’s a bank, provide the ardhisasa ID of the bank. Click Search.
12. Select the category of person executing as the chargee (director or attorney). Enter the relevant details and save the information.
13. Enter the borrower’s ardhisasa ID. If the borrower is different from the charger, specify their details accordingly. Save the borrower information.
14. Enter various additional details, such as whereas clauses and law firm details, including name, address, contact information, and website. Also indicate whether you are applying for an exemption of stamp duty and provide relevant details based on the legal clauses or notices.
15. Upload supporting documents and additional provisions to strengthen discharge of charge application. Choose files from their local device and attach them to the application.
16. Review all the provided details on the confirmation page. If satisfied, submit the application. A confirmation message appears, indicating that the application has been successfully created.
The parties involved will receive notifications to log into their accounts and verify the application. They can either consent or reject the application. As the advocate, you can accept or reject the representation of the parties involved. Parties will need to provide an OTP for verification. Once verified, the advocate can append their signature.
Read: Signing Options on Ardhisasa
The discharge of charge application process is a structured and well-defined procedure that involves registered advocates and parties involved in the transaction. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog post, advocates can successfully navigate the process and ensure a smooth discharge of charge application.
For enquiries, please visit Ardhi House, Off Ngong Rd: P.O. Box 30450-00100, Nairobi,Kenya or email: [email protected]. The ministry can also be reached on phone: 0746 962239.
For more information visit our website on www.property254.co.ke or call us on 0726982982 or on email through [email protected].
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