Networking Tips for Real Estate Agents in Kenya

Real estate is a rewarding career but many real estate agents don’t survive the first year. Part of this could be attributed to lack of sales that makes a real estate agent lose faith.  Learning how to network as an agent helps as you can generate more leads for the properties you are selling or obtain properties available for sale. When you network, you get a chance to introduce your business to your peers, new prospects, and maintain relationships.

Use social media effectively:

Social media platforms have become an incredible way to connect with your clients. It creates a great opportunity to share your knowledge as a real estate agent and expertise with your clients easily. Whether you are using Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform, ensure you answer all the emails, reply to all the texts and messages across all the channels smoothly.

Attend Professional Networking Events: 

Networking events are planned so that people can meet each other and make business connections, ideas and share whatever they can regarding business. So, it is good to plan with some professionals to guide you in those areas. You will be much more memorable if you meet people and discuss ideas physically. Consider registering with the  Estate Agents Registration Board ( the regulatory body for estate agency practice in Kenya) for a chance to attend its networking forums.

Avoid working alone and instead focus and get to know people who are striving to make good connections with the experts in the industry. If you are shy, try to look for a place that will suit you and make conversations. It is very easy tying to catch up with people that you already know so make effort to break ways and meet new people. There are friendly events where everybody is the to network so don’t be afraid to approach people and make an introduction. In case you need to set up a networking event yourself, contact us
and we can assist in planning.

Tips For Real Estate Online Networking

Join Local Online Groups:

 Online connections are important to your business just as the connections you make in person. When you join a local group, you will become a member of the group and you can discuss what you have. Members of the group post all the things about the community, ask recommendations and ask each other’s questions, share your challenges because that is an opportunity for you to find solutions
to some of your business problems.
If you are not a member of any online group, we can give you recommendations.

Try to answer all real estate questions with a link to your page and instead focus on providing relevant and consistent answers. Register as an agent with us and you can then share a powerful profile. These are always goodforums for making connections and building names, recognitions but should not
be considered free advertising. If you don’t want to post about your business,
make note of the ground rules first since soliciting for business may end up
getting you banned.

Network with
one person at a Time: 
Invite other agents for lunch or coffee. By taking your time to make a one-on-one meeting and conversations, you bring that
person to your
sphere of influence in a very meaningful way. It is also good to meet someone who is out of your circle. Real estate is a full-time commitment so make sure you reach out to people you want to know.

You don’t have to wait for an event for you to network. If you want to reach out to someone, make sure you try hard and reach out to them. Talk to them and tell them to share their ways of becoming successful in the real estate industry.

10 In-demand Real Estate Agents Skills Needed to be a Successful Agent

Create a professional website and Blog: In today’s business world you need an online presence. That means
having a real estate website of your own. That is important as a marketing tool and an online office
. If you would like a website like ours, we will be more than happy to help you build one. Please contact us and we shall get you online in weeks, not months.

 Learn to treat your real estate business as if it were a digital media business. Work with a good team that will help you create good blogs and post them on your online platform to help to promote your business. Make use of local imagery don’t rely on stock buildings and property photos.

In many ways, you are just selling a house, you need to know that you are selling a whole geographical culture. Showcase the best that your area has to offer by publishing high-rest photos of local town landmarks and
familiar sites.

Support Local Business:  Take tour time and visit local businesses and try knowing people behind the counter. Do this everywhere you go. With time you will come familiar with those businesses and you will have created a good connection to the homeowners you visit. Just be sure that you mention that you sell real estate for you to be in a position of getting referrals and good clients too.  Even if referrals never come. It is so good to support the businesses in your community.


Bottom Line

The real estate business entails more than just meeting people and exchanging business cards. It is about making meaningful connections with people and connections business-wise. When you network, you expand your base of potential clients and create a strong relationship that will open doors for future business.


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