Real Estate Videography: How to Get Started and Sell More

96% of marketers value the use of videos to market their products and services across the internet. That’s one reason you should join the trend and start doing real estate videography to sell more properties.Real estate videography involves the use of videos to market your properties to potential buyers and renters. The use of videos has been on the rise since the 2022 coronavirus in Kenya.We will show you how to do real estate videography and sell more. We also give you a chance to upload your property for sale on our site for free. Register to start listing your property with us.

What is Real Estate Videography?

Real estate videography refers to the use of video to market properties. In addition, you can use real estate videos to educate your followers on the dos and don’ts of investing in the property business.

As a real estate agent, you should embrace real estate videography because most buyers would prefer to see videos of properties before making a purchase decision.

Get the Right Equipment for Real Estate Videography

When doing real estate photography, it’s important to get the right equipment. Remember that the quality of the equipment you use determines the quality of the video you produce. You might be wondering how much you can spend on real estate videography. Well, that depends on whether you will invest in the equipment needed or you will hire a professional.

High-quality Cameras and lenses

To ensure you capture clear videos, ensure you get a high-quality camera with good lenses. If you do not have one, you can find the best real estate photography services for hire since they usually have high-quality equipment.


A tripod ensures steady movement when taking videos or photos of your properties. Without a tripod, you can take shaky videos which can present a bad image of your properties.

Therefore, it’s important to have the camera fixed on a tripod when capturing videos.


In the current era, real estate videography in Kenya is on another level due to the use of drones to capture videos. However, when getting started in real estate videos, it might be tough to get drones if you are doing it all alone. But you can always hire a videographer who uses drones.

Drones can capture the top of a house and the surroundings at different angles. As a result, it’s a good tool to create excellent videos for marketing your properties.

Audio recording equipment

Audio equipment is essential when trying to explain to potential buyers about features and how to benefit from the property. You can also include some subheadings to the videos showing what you are saying in the audio.

Lighting equipment

Light is a very important feature when capturing videos on real estate. It’s the amount of light that determines the quality of the videos you take. Therefore, if your property is located in a dense area with minimal sun rays, it’s important to include artificial lighting equipment to improve the property’s video quality.

Editing software

Whoever your videographer is, they should have video editing skills to make your real estate videos stunning. However, do not exaggerate the editing of the videos because it can push away potential clients.

How to Prepare to Do Real Estate Videography

Clean the property and the surroundings

Before you get started in real estate videography, you should make the property and the surroundings very clean. Ensure there are no scattered materials in and outside the house. Remember that a clean environment contributes to the quality of the videos you make for your properties.

Ensure there is enough lighting

Before you start taking real estate videos, ensure the rooms and the surrounding environments have enough light. You can choose to take the videos during the day, preferably when there are no shadows.

Alternatively, if it’s late in the evening, ensure you include artificial lighting to produce high-quality videos.

How to Edit Real Estate Videos to Sell More

Select the best clips and edit them

After taking videos of your property in different clips, ensure you choose the best clips that showcase the property in the right way. Ensure the clips are clear with no mistakes. A professional video editor can make that happen.

Include some background music

When editing real estate videography, it’s important to add some background music that keeps the viewer hooked to the video till the end. You can download royalty-free music clips to include in your video background.

Add some graphics

When producing an informative real estate video, you should include some graphics to hook the viewer to the video. However, the graphics should be related to the video you are producing.

Add texts

Texts in real estate photography and video are important to help the viewer understand the graphics. You can include descriptions of the unique property features.

Market your Real Estate Video

Share videos on social media

Social media is an important tool you should never ignore when doing real estate videography. Remember that most potential buyers hang out on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Therefore, you should leverage these platforms and share your videos on social media. 

Upload the videos to real estate websites

If you have a real estate website, you can upload your videos on the site to attract more viewers. Furthermore, the site will enjoy boosted search engine optimization due to the video. As a result, the blog will rank higher, attracting readers and viewers of the real estate video.

When marketing your real estate videos, ensure you know the current trends in the industry. That will ensure you incorporate what people love to see in your videos and photos.

Is Real Estate Photography Profitable?

It majorly depends on how you do it. If you can learn how to do the photography yourself, it will be more profitable to market your property using photos and videos. In addition, learn how to cut costs by shopping for the most affordable and high-quality videography equipment.

Therefore, real estate photography is profitable if you control the cost involved in shooting the photos and videos.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long should real estate videos be?

Your real estate videos should not be so long. However, this depends on the property features you would like to involve in the video. Literally, the video should not be longer than 10 minutes, unless you want to risk losing the viewer’s attention.

Does YouTube work for real estate agents?

Yes. Youtube is a great tool for real estate agents to generate leads for their property listings. However, you should provide helpful insights and property listings to your audience.

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