Registering as a foreign national can be a complicated process, but with the right guidance, it becomes much simpler. In this article, we guide you through the registration process for foreign nationals.
1. Visit
2. If you are unable to access your account or face any registration difficulties, reach out to the customer care team. Contact them via phone or initiate a conversation through the available chat code. These customer care channels operate 24/7, allowing you to seek assistance at any time.
3. The customer care will create an anonymous ticket for you. This ticket serves as a reference point throughout the registration process. Once your ticket has been raised, you will receive an email containing information confirming the ticket creation.
Read: Ticketing process on Ardhisasa
4. To access your anonymous ticket, you need to self-authenticate using an OTP (One-Time Password) code. The code will be sent to the Kenyan phone number you provided during the registration process. It’s important to note that currently, OTP codes can only be received on Kenyan phone numbers. Once you receive the code, enter it in the designated field and click submit.
Read: How to Create an Account on Ardhisasa
5. After successfully entering the OTP code, you will gain temporary access to your anonymous ticket. On the left side of your screen, you will find relevant information regarding your ticket, including the assigned ministry official and the details of your request.
6. Once you have an active session, you can view the relevant ticket information on the left side of your screen. The ticket information section will display details such as your name and the request for an account creation on ardhisasa. A ministry official assigned to your ticket will also have access to this information and can initiate a conversation through the chat section. Communicate your issue or question by submitting a message, and the ministry official will respond promptly.
Important: How to Make Subdivision Application on Ardhisasa
7. The ministry official may request specific documents to facilitate the creation of your account. These documents typically include;
a) Copy of your passport
b) Passport-sized photo,
c) Copy of your KRA certificate
8. Depending on your situation, additional documents such as a valid work permit or a certificate of permanent residence might be required.
9. Attach the documents one by one from your local machine. The platform allows for separate document uploads.
10. Once you have uploaded the required documents, the ministry official will review them and notify you accordingly.
11. Verify the details you provided. It is important not to delete the email containing the ticket link, as it is your access point to the conversation with the ministry official.
12. Upon successful verification, you will be contacted by the ministry official and requested to visit the Ministry of Lands headquarters at Ardhi House with original documents. You will be provided with an invitation link via email. Clicking on the link will lead you to a page where you can select a suitable date for your visit. Print the gate pass for entry into the premises.
Upon arrival at the Ministry of Lands headquarters, present your gate pass to the security personnel at the gate for validation. Proceed to the customer care desk to meet with the ministry official. Submit the necessary documents as requested during the registration process.
Once the ministry official validates your identity and the submitted documents, you will be contacted at a later stage to finalize the account creation process. An account ID and a one-time password (OTP) will be sent to your phone via SMS. Use the OTP to log in initially, and for security reasons, change your password afterward by navigating to the account settings.
For enquiries, please visit Ardhi House, Off Ngong Rd: P.O. Box 30450-00100, Nairobi,Kenya or email: [email protected]. The ministry can also be reached on phone: 0746 962239.
In case of more information, keep visiting our website or call us on 0726982982 or on email through [email protected].
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