Relief for families in Kirima Land as family changes tune

The family of Gerishon Kirima family has said it is reluctant to evict families from its 1,000 acres in Njiru.

The family said in a statement it has offered the current occupants the right of first offer to buy the plots they occupy.

Hundreds of families live on the 1,000 acres that the Environment and Land Court last year ruled belongs to the family of the former Starehe MP.

“Whereas the court granted us the liberty to evict the current occupants on our land, we are reluctant to resort to evictions—marked by cruel demolitions and heartless destruction of property—as witnessed elsewhere,” the family said in a statement yesterday.

“As a family we are indeed sympathetic to the anguish suffered by unfortunate Kenyans duped into buying the plots of land in Njiru from unscrupulous and merciless swindlers.”

It said many families have already paid for the parcels of land they occupy while others have expressed intent and commitment to pay.

The statement said those unwilling to pay will not be coerced to purchase the plots they presently live on.

“The Kirima family is ready to sell the land to the current occupants on a willing-buyer, willing-seller arrangement. Such an action will enable the issuance of legitimate title deeds to those that have not yet bought their parcels or made a commitment to do so,” the family said.

“The land has already been surveyed, mapped and valued. All the occupants have been profiled and given the offers including details of the lawyers acting for the family – Kaplan and Stratton Advocates – and bank details where to pay.”

However, last month, many of the occupants said the family had given them harsh conditions.

The Kirima family last month gave some occupants of 30 by 60-foot plots one week to pay Sh2 million.

The occupants said independent valuers pegged the value of such plots at Sh500,000.

Environment and Land Court Judge Samson Okong’o, in his judgment delivered on October 23, found that former Starehe MP Gerishon Kirima is the rightful owner of the property.

Justice Okong’o gave them up to December 31, 2023, to vacate and hand over possession of the property to the estate of Kirima.

“If they fail to do so, the estate is at liberty to evict them from the property,” Okong’o ruled.

Here is a guide to buying land in Kenya

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