9 Step by Step Guide on Real Estate Negotiating Process

As a real estate investor in Kenya, the ability to negotiate effectively is crucial for success. Whether you’re buying or selling a property, having a well-defined and proven negotiating process can significantly increase your chances of success. It also enables you to replicate successful transactions and achieve better deals consistently.

In this article, we’ll explore a step-by-step real estate negotiating process that you can use to secure the best deals on properties in Kenya. This guide will provide you with practical tips and strategies to help you negotiate like a pro.

1.    Understand The Seller’s Needs

Before beginning negotiations with a seller, it is essential to gain a thorough understanding of their needs and motivations. This will allow you to tailor your approach to their specific situation, increasing the likelihood of a successful deal. To do this, research the seller before meeting with them. This may involve searching online for information about the seller or the property they are selling, as well as checking social media platforms for additional insights. Additionally, during your initial meeting with the seller, be sure to ask open-ended questions that encourage them to share more about their situation, including why they are selling the property and any circumstances that may be affecting their decision. Being an active listener is key in this step, as it will allow you to gather as much information as possible about the seller’s motivations and needs.

2.    Know Your Offer.

It is important to have a thorough understanding of your offer before beginning negotiations. This means conducting a detailed analysis of the property in question, taking into account factors such as its location, condition, and potential for renovation or development. Additionally, be sure to research comparable properties in the area to gain an understanding of market trends and pricing. Armed with this information, you can confidently make an offer that is both profitable for you and attractive to the seller.

3.    Build A Rapport

Building a rapport with the seller is critical to the success of any real estate negotiation. This may involve engaging in small talk and finding common ground with the seller, as well as demonstrating your expertise and professionalism as a real estate investor. Building trust and demonstrating sincerity are key components of this step, as they will help to put the seller at ease and create a foundation for a mutually beneficial partnership.

4.    Know Your Walkaway Point In any negotiation.

It is important to know your walkaway point. This means determining the highest offer you are willing to make before the deal is no longer profitable for you. This may involve conducting a detailed financial analysis of the property in question and factoring in any additional costs, such as renovation or development expenses. Having a clear understanding of your walkaway point will allow you to confidently negotiate with the seller and avoid making offers that are not in your best interest.

5.    Use Anchoring Techniques

Anchoring is a negotiation technique that involves making an initial offer that is lower than what you are ultimately willing to pay. This may involve making an initial offer that is slightly lower than the market value of the property, to create a starting point for negotiations. This can help to establish your credibility as a negotiator and create a framework for the rest of the negotiation process.

6.    Find Common Ground

Finding common ground with the seller is an important part of any negotiation. It may involve highlighting shared interests or values, such as a desire to support local communities or a commitment to sustainable development practices. By finding common ground with the seller, you can build trust and establish a foundation for a mutually beneficial partnership.

7.    Present Multiple Offers

Presenting multiple offers to the seller is a negotiation technique that can help to create a sense of urgency and encourage them to make a decision. This may involve presenting multiple offers with varying timelines or payment structures, to give the seller a range of options to choose from. This can help to create a sense of competition and increase the likelihood of a successful negotiation.

8.    Follow Up

Following up with the seller after the negotiation process is complete is an important part of any real estate transaction. It helps to ensure that all parties involved are on the same page and that any last-minute details or issues can be addressed promptly. Be sure to keep detailed records of all communications with the seller, including emails, phone calls, and in-person meetings.

Following up with the seller can also help you to build a positive relationship with them, which could be beneficial in the future if you decide to invest in additional properties. Additionally, staying in touch with the seller can provide valuable insights into the local real estate market and any upcoming investment opportunities.

9.    Close the Deal

Once you and the seller have agreed, it’s time to close the deal. This involves signing the necessary documents and transferring the ownership of the property from the seller to you as the buyer. It’s important to make sure that all the necessary paperwork is completed accurately and that the transfer of funds is done securely. If you’re unsure about any part of the process, consider hiring a real estate attorney or working with a reputable real estate agent to help guide you through the closing process.



Negotiating in real estate requires a strategic and systematic approach to ensure success. Following the step-by-step process outlined above can increase your chances of securing the best deal possible. If you are interested in learning more about real estate investing in Kenya and want to stay informed on industry news, tips, and trends, we invite you to subscribe to our email newsletter. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the game and make informed decisions. Subscribe today.

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