Top 7 things you need to know before building your home in Nairobi’s Satellite towns

Building your home is very exciting. For many people, the idea of living in your own home represents a dream come true. Its achievement of a long-cherished life goal or a reward for many years of hard work.

As you may not afford land in urban areas, then satellite towns remain an option. Some satellite towns to consider include Ngong, Ruai, Kitengela, Rongai and Athi River. Along thika road, areas like Ruiru and  Juja have become favorite areas for those willing to leave the comforts of the city.

We already covered the top 5 advantages of living in Nairobi’s Satellite towns. Look at that blog if you are still undecided on the advantages.

Before deciding on a location to build your home, there are several considerations to make. This will help you figure out which option is going to suit your individual preferences, tastes and needs.

Here are some items you need to consider.

1.Less time for children and family

If you buy land in Nairobi’s satellite towns and build, you will find yourself living far away from work. People who live far from work usually have less time to spend with their families. This is because they leave early for work to beat traffic. They also come back late because of traffic jam.

Most parents find their children in bed and see them briefly during the morning rush to beat the traffic. This has led to children spending more time with the house help than their parents.

As you consider living far from your usual place of work, have this in mind.

2.Insecurity of person and property

In most satellite towns in Nairobi, there is more theft and vandalism. While you may have security measures in place, this may not be enough. With no immediate neighbours, thieves will find it easy to climb over the fence and steal. In worse situations, they will harm you. To protect yourself, you may have to hire armed guards which is an added cost.

 I know of a couple whose home was raided and lost their car and other valuable items. Following the break-in, they decided to leave their home. They and are now renting on Ngong Road until further notice.

 â€œOther thieves will not even wait for you to enter your house. They track you from work and wait to ambush you on the way home. The Boda Bodas that pick us are sometimes part of the gang. These Boda Bodas know all our movements,says Mutua, a resident of Kitengela.

 3.Transport costs

One of the big wins from moving to satellite towns is a lower amount of rent payable. I have seen 5-bedroom rental houses in places like Kitengela going for under Ksh 30,000. The same house would go for upwards of Ksh 70,000 in upmarket neighbourhoods.

 At first glance, it looks like costs go down. When you add up all costs incurred when commuting to and from work, you may have spent more than you had estimated.

 When Kamau, found a plot in Juja at KShs2.5m, he felt as if he had hit a jackpot. He set about building the home of his dreams and within a year he was ready to move in. everything was good in the first few days.

The horror started when schools opened. We had to commute from Juja to Nairobi every morning. This meant braving the evening traffic jam every day, Kamau narrates.

 Soon he realized they were spending a lot of fuel using two cars and decided to use one car. This too, caused inconvenience as him or the wife was often late for work.

 The poorly maintained feeder roads led to rapid wear and tear of the car. This forced Kamau to visit the garage more often than usual, to keep the car in good shape.

 If you like your car neat, you must pay for its washing daily because of the dusty roads you use.

4.Inaccessibility to vital services

Urban living provides you with all the amenities and services needed. Most satellite towns may not provide the same services. Such services include piped water and electricity. There are hardly any health services, shopping centres or good schools. To access any of these, one must move long distances.

 Closeness to good schools is also a challenge in most satellite towns in Nairobi. Some parents solve the school problem by putting their children in boarding schools. This is because they cannot find a good school in the neighbourhood.

 Urban areas have access to fast internet that may not be available out of town. Some satellite towns lack shopping variety. the same is available for people living in urban areas.

 Cities also tend to offer better access to medical, dental and police services. Help is always right around the corner should you need it.

 5.Its more expensive to move around

The robust infrastructure of towns and cities makes it much easier to get from A to B. In satellite towns, there is limited public transport routes. Once you buy land in satellite towns, you may have to drive long distances to get anywhere.

 Many urban dwellers can skip the cost related to buying and keeping a car. This is because they can rely on public transport. They can also walk a few minutes to get to where they need to be. Taxis are cheaper in urban areas than in satellite towns.

 6.The opportunity to find your niche

Towns and cities are home to so many people. This makes it easier to find social scenes and communities to belong to.  Urban areas have a bigger selection of social spots. This makes it easier to find local groups and meeting places with like-minded people.

 7. A chance to be where things are happening

Town and city life is most likely to attract those who want to be where the action is. By moving to an urban centre, you’ll gain access to events and different experiences. the same may not be available in satellite towns. To prepare living in Nairobi’s satellite towns, have some or all the following in place for your security:

·       Security cameras installed in and around your house.

·       An askari to guard your house. You can team up with neighbours to make this cost affordable.

·       Enough security lights at night. Solar lights can help you reduce electricity costs.

·       Join an estate WhatsApp group for security coordination.

·       Create a good rapport with your neighbours. This helps as they act as lookouts especially when you are not around.

·       Have a perimeter wall to keep invaders at bay.

·       While going back home, especially at night and evenings, try to use different routes to your home. If you must use a boda boda, use those that you already know.

·       Choose your maids carefully and pay them well to deter them from conniving with thieves. Once you are doubtful of the behaviour of your house help, immediately get rid of them.


Deciding to live in a satellite town in Nairobi is not easy. Family considerations may end up being most important. This is particularly so if you have school-going children or a working spouse.

Before deciding, it’s always worth paying a visit to any area you’re considering moving. This helps you get a much better feel for what living there might be like.

To move into your dream satellite town, you need to start by buying land. These are the top seven real estate advertising websites that you can use.

Once you find a suitable plot or house that has been listed for sale, here is a guide to the process of buying land or buying a house.

If you still need help, then contact us on 0726982982.

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