The Daily Habits of a Successful Real Estate Agent in Kenya

Many people always dream of becoming successful real estate agents. But not all of them do well in their career. The profession re ...

How the process of digitization works though ardhisasa at Ardhi House

Since Independence, land has been an emotive matter, owing to historical injustices, fraud and the manipulation of land documents ...

Top 10 Most Important Questions to Ask When Buying Land in Kenya.

op 10 Most Important Questions to Ask When Buying Land in Kenya. Buying land in Kenya is something that most Kenyans look forward ...

Ultimate guide to creating trust as a Real estate agent in Kenya

Real estate investments usually take a bulk of people’s investment. For a customer to invest their life savings, the need to ...

How to Register a Caution on Ardhisasa

Ardhisasa is a national land information management system developed by the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning in consultatio ...

How to pay your land rent on Ardhisasa

You can now pay your land rent on Ardhisasa using the itemised easy steps.  You can now pay your land rent on Ardhisasa, at t ...

How to upgrade or change your account details on Ardhisasa

The recently launched a National Land Information Management System (NLIMS) commonly known as Ardhisasa on 27th of April, 2021 by ...

How Ardhisasa will curb fraud on land transactions

Land is a very important resource in our country.  The issues of land have been very emotive because it has not been well man ...

How Ardhisasa is changing the process of purchase and sale of properties in Kenya

With Ardhisasa, what changed?With introduction of Ardhisasa platform, many things have changed on how people are doing land or pro ...

5 Easy Steps to Register as a real estate agent in Kenya

To become a registered real estate agent in Kenya, one needs to be registered with the Estate Agents Registration Board  ...

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