13 Rock-Solid Reasons why buying land is a great investment in Kenya

As real estate players, we already know how important land is as an investment avenue. When trying to convince a buyer, maybe you ...

Simple guide to 3 Types of Title Deeds In Kenya and How to Obtain Them

A title is a very important and legal document that proofs ownership of a home and of land. It should be the first thing to ask fo ...

6 Benefits of buying a home in a good neighborhood

When buying a home, most people only go for the one with a low price. Only for them to later in life make many regrets about the d ...

How to become top-selling real estate agent in Kenya. 5 easy steps to get started

Alot of people ask how they can become the best top-selling real estate agents. Most of them want to know how they can sell tens o ...

Why real estate agents should not pay single Business Permit to County governments

A ruling by the High Court stopped the charging of single business permit fees on certain professions that includes ...

10 In-demand Real Estate Agents Skills Needed to be a Successful Agent

Real estate is becoming a very competitive field. You need to find a way to list properties available for sale. Beyond listing you ...

Real Estate Listing: 5 effective Tips to Get Your Property Noticed

Real estate is always a tough market. There are thousands of properties for sale in the area, and a shortage of buyers. This can b ...

How to persuade tough clients to buy your real estate property

As real estate agents, we are trying to convince our customers to buy the properties we have. Whether we are selling land or selli ...

Real Estate Joint Venture in Kenya: Top Ten Real Estate Hotspots offering highest returns

 Kenya has an annual housing demand of 250,000 units with an estimated supply of 50,000 units. This leads to a huge deficit i ...

5 Key Factors to Consider When Selling Your Home

Selling a house can be a daunting process for many people. It’s not just about finding the right buyer, but also about havin ...

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