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How to Make Your Real Estate Website Succeed

How to Make Your Real Estate Website Succeed

There are many real estate websites across the internet. But just a few of those websites appear in search results and other forums.
How do you ensure that your real estate website turns out to be a success in the end? Well, this blog explains how to make your real estate website succeed amidst the challenges involved.
We can help you build a successful real estate website whether you are an agent or an investor. Register to get multiple tips on building a successful real estate website and how to market your business.

Tips to Succeed in Real Estate Website

It feels bad to see your website live for more than a year, and still, you have not earned a single coin from the site. We believe everyone can succeed only if they put effort into following the right guidance at the right time.

1. What are your goals?

If you have started a real estate website, your main goal should be to generate leads from your web traffic. Once you know what you want, it will be easier to work towards it.

You should set a goal aligning with your website’s ability, for instance, you can target to reach 1000 monthly traffic. At least, that will be an achievable goal. 

Always set SMART goals for your real estate website. Furthermore, you should work towards your goals to achieve them.

2. Write the right content

To succeed in your real estate website, you should first upload the correct content. The content on your website will draw visitors to the site. Therefore, you should ensure its high-quality content.

Search engines usually rank unique and high-quality content on the first page of SERPs. Google refers to content that answers the searcher’s intent as good content.

In addition, provide actual data and links to high authority websites. Data is very useful, and people often believe in data-backed content rather than pure one.

When using images for your blog posts, ensure they are unique and relevant to the blog content. You can get free images from Pixabay and furnish them a little using Canva or Adobe Shop.

When writing content, you should write for people, not search engines. Remember that Google ranks what people love to read. So if you focus on people first, ranking high in search engines will be easier.

3. Market your Content

Indeed, you want your content to reach more people before Google starts to crawl your pages. Therefore, you can start with other marketing methods to reach your target audience.

The methods include the following:

On-page SEO

As much as you write content for people, you should also write it to optimise it for search engines. However, you should not stuff your keywords on the content.

On-page SEO is important to help your content rank on search engines. In addition, it helps you stay on your toes about the main aim of your site because you should have internal links to the related content on the site.

Social media

You should have social media accounts that describe your real estate brand. In addition, it’s good to stay active on your accounts to gain followers. However, you should hook your audience with helpful content that explains your brand.

Furthermore, you should often post your new blog posts on social media for your audience to read. When you frequently update your audience on your latest real estate blog posts, they will visit your blogs.

Paid Ads

You should also use paid Ads such as Google and social media advertisements to reach a broader audience. The main aim is to make your real estate website succeed, and the audience will help you grow.

4. Get Property listings

You’ll mainly earn money from your real estate website through property listings. However, you should build your monthly traffic first. That’s why you should focus more on getting traffic to your website before monetizing it.

Once you gain enough traffic, other investors can request to list their property on your site, and once they sell, you’ll earn a commission. In addition, you can add your listings whenever you want to sell your property.

5. Sign up for Google Adsense

Still, this type of monetization depends on your monthly traffic. Google Adsense allows you to place display ads on your site. Whenever someone clicks on the ads, you earn some coins. The amount you earn on Google Adsense depends on your monthly traffic to your blog. 

But first, Google will approve your site when you have several related articles on your website. However, the articles should be unique and up-to-date.


It’s simple to succeed in your real estate website if you follow the right procedures. However, you need to be patient enough because it will take time to see tangible results.

Once you decide on improving your real estate website’s performance, don’t hesitate to read our free tips on building your website. Register to be among the first to learn of our new updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Should I make a real estate website as an agent?

Yes. You should create a real estate website where you will gain readership and later sell properties to clients. It’s easy to generate leads from your blog if you prove to your readers you are a genuine source.

2. Is WordPress a good website builder for real estate websites?

Being the most popular website builder, it’s easy to learn about WordPress and build your website without coding skills. So yes, WordPress is a good CMS for real estate websites,

3. What is the biggest challenge for a real estate website?

The biggest challenge is getting high monthly traffic to your site. Remember that your success in a real estate website depends on your traffic. However, it’s challenging to get a high readership in the first months of starting your site.

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