Impact of Digitization of Land Records in Kenya

Digitization of Land Records in Kenya.

The concept of land digitalization registries in Kenya began with the aim of giving effect to sections 9 and 10 of the land registrations. Section 9 of the land registries mandates the registrar of land to maintain the register and any document required in a secure and reliable format.

The government then began the process of digitalization of the land registry. The aim of the exercise was to bring efficiency and transparency to the land sector in Kenya. This marked the commencement of digitalization of 57 land registries which has been maintained since 1895.

Recently, President Uhuru Kenyatta and CS Farida Karoney unveiled national land information and management systems. The system will allow Kenyans to carry out land transactions online. This was a commendable step towards full digitalization of the land records in Kenya. Some benefits of land digitalization of land records to landowners and land selling companies include.

      Reduce time taken to process at the Land Registry.

The national land information platform that was created will help reduce the process of property registration. Additionally, it will also reduce the registration process of the land documents from 7days to 3days and this will be much beneficial to the land buyers. It will create good time management which can be done through texts and messages.

  Enhances Investor Confidence

The system will enhance investor confidence in that it will be taking so little time and few days to register property. This will also protect the property owners and investors from fraudulent land transactions.

With the system around, a lot of stakeholders in the real estate sector will be attracted hence increasing the productivity rate in the industry.

  Reduce costs

A digitalization program has the potential to reduce storage, management, and access costs. The storage costs can be reduced from the point digitalization is introduced to the original pepper records if destroyed after digitalization then this is so the impetus for the program. You should always determine upfront whether the original can legally be destroyed after digitalization. Management and access cost savings can include a reduction in processing records.

Reduction in staff time spent on locating the right records particularly for legal and government information. And transport costs.

  Improve business process efficiency, and quality and consistency

The act of digitization itself will not improve your organization’s business process. However, the introduction of a digitization program provides an opportunity for an organization to consider its business process, improvement of quality, and promotion of consistency.

Consistent classification, security, and access rules and indexing can be introduced where relevant information may be able to be transmitted within a structured workflow.

    Promote greater staff flexibility and ability to work remotely

Digitization can help an organization to take advantage of new technologies and allow their staff to access records in any location.

  Digitization records will save your organization money over the long term. It increases efficiency and also protects your records no matter what the situation is. Always modernize your organization to current market standards.

The key tactic benefit of digitalization is to improve the efficiency of core business processes a benefit that comes through exploitation. It also helps in capturing documents and data at the point of origin or receipt into an organization.

  To conclude on digitization of land administration seek to improve the ease of doing business in Kenya as the world shift to a more transparent in day-to-day land transactions. The cost of transaction and time used will reduce due to the elimination of certain steps from processes at the land registries

The digitization process will protect investors and property. The straightforward through digitization of land record will make I hard for the overall population to sidestep property charges. Therefore, it is vital to adopt the digitization of land record policy as long as there is the transparency it will improve the quality of land sales and purchase, overall, it will benefit all including the government, the sector, and the buyer.

Therefore, it is now out that the amendments seek to improve the ease of doing business transactions. Kenya as the world shift towards a more transparent approach in daily business transactions. These amendments are in alignment with the digitization of land. Poor working environment poor staff attitude lack of integration by the department and use of outdated procedures and practices will enhance efficiency inland or the property transactions.

The new amendments will hopefully see parties embrace technology and conclude contracts virtually making it efficient and easier to carry on business in Kenya.

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