8 Real Estate Advertising Ideas Guaranteed to Improve Sales

The holiday season can be a struggle for selling and buying
real estate. 
But Christmas is not the time for you to shut down your marketing efforts. You can use this holiday season to ramp up your real estate

Let’s discuss how can you continue to close deals and sign new contracts during during the month while also getting ready to meet 2022 demand as most people make buying land or buying a house as one of their new year’s resolutions.

1. Make sure that your clients know you’re available.

The first thing you should do is let your clients and leads know
you’re available. Most other 
real estate
will take a big portion of the holiday season off, and that’s where your opportunity lies. If you choose not to take time off, let people know. Otherwise,
your clients and leads may simply assume that you’re unavailable due to the
holiday season.

So, let them know you’re available through a simple email, a card,
or a phone call, and keep your agent website well-updated.

2.     Provide branded giveaways.

Everyone loves receiving gifts. Giveaways are
one of the best ways to say express gratitude to your customers. And its affordable too!  Some branded gift ideas include 2022 calendars
or diaries, gift baskets, umbrellas, throw pillows, blankets, welcome mats.

Giveaways offer you a chance for you to increase engagement and keep
you top-of-mind during this busy time of
the year. It will also help keep your professional relationships

3. Engage customers on social media with holiday messages.

Prepare to send holiday messages to all your customers and potential
ones. You can use several medium from sms, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp or
email. For Facebook and Instagram, don’t need to be in the office to send these
messages. All you need is to schedule them to be posted to your subscribers
during the holidays.

In addition to simple messages, you can
send holiday email messages as well.
A sample
email is below for your use.

10 Ways to Generate More Real Estate Referrals

4.    Make charity gifts incentive.

Consider offering a percentage of your commission to
a charity of your
customers’ choice
any commission earned from a
during the month of December. Your customers will feel good knowing that working with you will

5.    Sending out digital Christmas cards.

Christmas is the perfect time to let your clients and prospects
know just how much you appreciate them. It’s also a fantastic way to remind
them that you are there for them whenever they need you. Personalized holiday
greeting cards are ideal.

Christmas real estate marketing cards

To personalize your real estate Christmas card messages, be sure
to address your recipients by name. Avoid the generic ‘Dear friend’ or ‘Dear
customer’ salutations. To create unique and personalized cards, you can use
tools Canva
or contact us on 0726982982 and we shall
design one for you for free
. It’s our way of giving
back to you.

6.    Make your website festive for the holidays.

If you have a website, you can easily update the
hero banner on the homepage with one that’s perfect for the holiday season.
You can use this time to
make sure
your website is
mobile-optimized so your potential clients can view it on their smartphones
while on the go this season.

If you don’t have one, then
this should be part of your 2022 goals. Reach out to us to help you make one.

7.    Update yourproperty listing.

You know the saying: “Always be selling.”


Though things may slow down during the holiday
season, there are still people out there looking for their dream home. 
Make sure
your properties are updated, whether you are suing Facebook, WhatsApp for
business or other real estate listing platforms available in Kenya like jiji or

To have one place with
your real estate listings, you can list with us for free. Just
Create an Account or Login
to start
your journey.

8.    Ask for Testimonials.

Research shows that88% of customers check reviews to determine if a business can be trusted.
Getting testimonials can therefore be a powerful strategy for Christmas realestate marketing, especially since most people tend to be in an uplifted andpositive mood around this time of year. This means more people will likely
agree to your request and positive moods lead to better testimonials!

Simply ask the clients that you’ve worked with in the past to
share their experience. The testimonial should mention a specific problem and
how it was solved.
You can ask for these reviews in your Facebook
page or if you have an account created in our website, just share a link with
your customers.



Wondering how to
increase your real estate client b
ase?  Create an Account or
within our website
to increase your visibility to real estate investors and home buyers, which will help you in generating
real estate leads


Facebook Post on business Page: 8 secrets of having good post on your page

Christmas is not a time for you to fold up for the holidays. It is the
right time to hone your marketing skills to get more leads and customers.
We hope that if you will deploy at least one
of the above
Christmas advertising or let us know some ideas you feel we have
missed out.


Happy Holidays!


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