Social Media Content Calendar: What it is and it benefits in real estate Business

Over years social media has become a powerful platform for product/services advertisement and for brand building. Social media marketing is highly commendable especially in the digital world we are in today .It helps you get to reach a large number of potential customers within seconds of posting an ad, helping you reduce your costs. For you to easily manage all your social media channels with ease you need to a social media content calendar.

What is social media content calendar?

Social media content calendar is a calendar of all of your social media posts. It helps you to plan out and organize future social media content to be placed on all your social media networks. It spares your time of coming up with the topic right before it’s time to get down to work and write your next post as the deadline before deadline.

In business, it’s sometimes overwhelming to create an awesome content and to manage your social media accounts. With social media content calendar you will be able to create a central source of truth where you can plan upcoming posts, stay organized, track what’s been posted, and track the performance of each of your social media channels.

Here are some of the benefits of having a social media content calendar in your real estate business.

1.       It help you create and schedule your post ahead of time

You don’t have to worry about what to post every single day. With a well-organized calendar you can plan and schedule all of your social media posts in advance instead of knocking it out on the day of. It helps you to plan posts for the entire week, or the entire month, depending on the calendar you are using, you’re able to reduce your everyday stress of figuring out what to post on that specific day, which is very time consuming and a productivity killer. It is the best way to efficiently manage your time and resources.

2.       Maintains consistency

Consistency is key in social media marketing. Social media calendar ensures no days or weeks will go without a single piece of content being published. It allows you to create a consistent flow of content and develop a brand voice. When you consistently post on social media you keep your audience engaged and this organically creates brand. By being consistent with your followers, you’ll build loyal followers that will share and talk about your brand, you know what they say about word of mouth Consistency is critical in your real estate social media strategy.

3.       It helps you to keep track of your performance

Social media content calendar allows you to track your matrix. With this, you will be able to measure the effectiveness and success of your content and overall marketing efforts. It provides the opportunity to schedule your experiments towards improvement.

It helps you track the following on your social media accounts:

         i.            The number of “likes” to your content

       ii.            The number of followers

      iii.            The number of reach – The number of people, who come into contact with your content,

     iv.            Engagement – How many people interact with your content after their “like” or subscription(comment and shares)

       v.            Conversation – how many people are prompted to act upon seeing your content.

4.       It helps you plan each post out for specific social networks.

It can be a real pain trying to keep up with all your social media accounts. Content calendars allow you to post to more than one social network at a time. This makes your followers on various social networks have a balanced mix of informative, educative and entertaining content to keep the engaged.  It also helps you to post same or different content at the same or different times across all your networks. It simply helps you plan each post out for specific networks. It gives a balance for all to networks.

5.       Helps you in brainstorming

It’s quite challenging to generating fresh content every day. Genuine success is not a one-person show.  Content calendar is a tool that will help you gain plenty of time to find new content ideas. It is an excellent tool for brainstorming ideas to create a blog post or other content that will resonate with your target audience. Also by monitoring and analyzing your audience’s engagement and feedback, you’ll gain valuable insights into their preferences which you can later apply to your content and adjust it accordingly. It also allows you synchronize your efforts with the other team members to get the necessary and on-time input from all these different sources. See effective brainstorming activities to build your content calendar

6.       Prepare for special days

Preparing content for specific events such as national observances and holidays is very essential.  Sometimes you get caught up in your work and forget these important dates. Your content calendar will help you plan and prepare before the actual date it needs to publish. You will never miss out on important dates. It will relieve you of posting any last-minute messed up content.

Steps on how to identify Thin Content

7.       It’s timely

With your content calendar publishing great content regularly and on-time will always be on the front burner your content will be ready when needed. It makes sure that your content is not lost in the newsfeed. Your audience will always get to see the amazing content you’ve created for them every day and at that specific time you have scheduled.

Some of the social media content calendar used in real estate includes

1.       Buffer

2.       Tailwind

3.       CoShedule

4.       Agorapulse

5.       Hubspot

6.       Googledrive

7.       Trello

8.       Loomly

9.        SproutSocial


Without proper tools for organizing planning and workflows, content marketing becomes difficult to manage in a way that isn’t ad hoc. It is therefore important to choose the best social media calendar and build on it. Some are free others while others are paid for. Here is a complete guide to choosing a content calendar.

If you need to set up one, don’t hesitate. Call /WhatsApp us on 0720982982

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