7 Tips for Successfully Hiring a Real Estate Blog Writer

Real estate blogs are one of the most powerful tools available to investors for lead generation and brand building. However, creating high-quality content consistently can be a challenging task, which is why many investors turn to freelance writers. Yet, hiring the right real estate blog writer can be a daunting process.

In this article, we will share 7 tips to help you successfully hire a real estate blog writer who can effectively capture your vision and provide content that resonates with your audience.

1. Look for someone who has experience writing about the real estate industry.

Real estate is a complex industry with a lot of nuances and specialized knowledge, so you want someone who has a solid understanding of the industry and can write about it in an engaging and informative way. When reviewing candidates’ resumes and portfolios, look for previous work that demonstrates their experience writing about real estate.

2. Check their writing style.

Every writer has their own unique writing style, and it’s important to find someone whose writing style aligns with the tone and voice of your brand. Look for a writer whose style is engaging, informative, and easy to read. Reviewing writing samples from candidates will give you a good sense of their writing style, as well as their ability to tailor their writing to the needs of a specific audience.

3. Ensure they have a good understanding of SEO.

In order for your real estate blog to be effective, it needs to be optimized for search engines. This means using relevant keywords, writing meta descriptions, and following other best practices to ensure that your content is easily discoverable by search engines. Look for a writer who has experience with SEO and can create content that will help your blog rank well in search results.

4. Look for someone who can do research.

A good real estate blog writer will be able to research and write about a variety of topics related to the industry. This means being able to stay up to date on the latest trends and developments in the industry, as well as having a solid understanding of the history of real estate. When interviewing candidates, ask about their research process and look for examples of their ability to write about complex topics in a clear and concise way.

5. Consider their availability.

Producing regular content for your real estate blog is key to its success, so it’s important to find a writer who has the availability to produce the amount of content you need. Be upfront with candidates about your expectations for how much content they will need to produce, and make sure they have the bandwidth to meet those expectations.

6. Check their credentials.

While a degree or certification in writing is not necessary to be a good writer, it can be a helpful indicator of a candidate’s level of skill and expertise. Look for candidates who have relevant degrees, certifications, or awards that demonstrate their knowledge and experience in writing about real estate.

7. Discuss pricing and deadlines.

Before hiring a real estate blog writer, make sure to discuss pricing and deadlines upfront. This will help you avoid any surprises later on and ensure that both you and the writer are on the same page about the scope of the project. Make sure to also discuss any additional fees or expenses, such as revisions or research costs, so that there are no misunderstandings down the line.


Hiring a real estate blog writer can be a great investment for real estate investors looking to generate high ROI and build their brand. However, it is important to approach the hiring process with clarity and strategy to ensure that the writer can produce the quality of content you desire. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can increase the chances of hiring a skilled and effective real estate blog writer. If you found this article helpful and know other real estate investors or agents who could benefit from it, we encourage you to share it with them.  Thank you for reading.

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