Top 9 strategies to earn more as a real estate agent in Kenya

As a real estate agent, one question is always on how to boost your sales so that this in turn increases your income. In this article we shall go over 9 different things that you can do as a real estate agent that will result in more income. Read to the end and you can identify the right solution for yourself.

1.    Expand Your Sphere of Influence

One way to build contacts and generate leads is through networking. Networking focuses on generating real estate leads via the people you already know, including your family, friends, classmates, business associates, sports team members, and even service providers (e.g., your doctor and hairstylist).

2.    Work under a seasoned mentor

Working under a mentor who is in line with your area of specialisation is a good idea. Through experience such a mentor is able to identify opportunities in the market that a beginner may not identify. The mentor will also identify threats that may face the business and provide solutions on how to mitigate them. This will save so much of your time and money.

3.    Increase your earning sources

Having other sources of income is a good supplement to your real estate income. These other sources may include and not limited to property development, sale of property, rental management and expanding your services to a larger region.  Exposing yourself to these will not only increase your income but will also increase your experience in the real estate industry.

4.    Develop a Professional Image

Clients are always looking for an agent who seems to be well informed in what he/ she does. Any likelihood of being out of date will scare them away. Therefore it is advisable that you develop a proper and professional image as it will be a big determiner on whether the client will get the services they need from you or your rivals.. A good personal brand will also help in Building trust as a real estate agent.

Developing and maintaining a professional presence is vital to your success as a real estate agent. Your image is projected through your:

Appearance: Tidy clothing, hair, accessories, makeup, which should be appropriate for your office and the local market. Avoid perfume or cologne and revealing clothing (i.e., nothing too tight, too short, or too low-cut). Men, too, should dress professionally, but not too formally. Avoid accessories such as necklaces and hats, but a nice watch is ok.

Face-to-face meetings: Good eye contact, positive body language. Strive to be attentive, engaging, and courteous.

Marketing and advertising materials: Quality photos and accurate, compelling text, which should be free of grammatical and spelling mistakes.

Phone calls: Articulate, engaging, and courteous.

Web presence: A carefully thought-through website, engaging social media, which should be free of grammatical errors and typos.

Written communications: Well-written letters, emails, and texts free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. 

It is important to note that any presence you have on the Internet whether professional or personal lasts forever and can easily find its way to your potential clients. Therefore, it is judicious to work toward a professional image in and out of your real estate career.

5.    Attend seminars and conferences to stay informed on new developments

  As a real estate agent you need to have so much exposure in this field. It is important as you will always be informed on any changes in the industry hence provide better services to your clients. The better the services you offer the more clients you will get and hence more in come you will realize. Another advantage of attending seminars is that you will get a chance to network with other real estate agents, meet prospective clients, or meet mentors who you are in the same field. The agents you meet in these seminars will be helpful in so many ways such as referring clients to you.

6.    Advertise better

To make more money as a real estate agent, you must advertise your firm. . Advertising real estate can be done through several ways such as posting it on social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Make sure you take advantage of sites such as Premier Agent to post your real estate listings for free because it’s already an established platform that is trusted by many people. You can also use other real estate websites, but you will need to pay a fee to do so which means more profits loss for you. 

If you are not confident enough with marketing yourself on social media, then let us know and we shall provide you with someone else who specializes in this kind of work or learn how to do it if you really want extra cash flow coming into the business.

7.         Use Tools and Technology

Professionalism in real estate can be identified by how well a business is organized and promoted. To achieve this a real estate agent should utilise the tools and technology available online.

Setting up your own website is a one way you can achieve this. I know this may seem difficult but we have made it easy to anyone who would like to own a professional-looking website. Some big companies spend hundreds of shillings or even millions of shillings to develop and maintain websites but if you contact us onIf you do not have a 0726982982, we shall help you get one at an affordable price.

8.    Advance your education in real estate

 Kenya has many universities and colleges offering real estate courses on all levels from  certificate, diploma, and degree programs which will help you a real estate license in Kenya.

Having formal education as a real estate agent is a good idea but not a mandatory requirement. Having some education will catch client’s attention and establish trust faster. Other clients will prefer an educated real estate agent over one who isn’t, thus it’s important to invest in a real estate course.

It is also a critical factor in case one is looking for employment. You can also get promotions at your workplace or have you salary increased by simply taking or a course in real estate. By studying, it helps when trying to register with EARB to get your license.

9.    Invest in Real Estate

 Investing in real estate is not a hard task when you are already a real estate agent. You have the advantage of having a greater understanding of the market, and access to properties before they become popular. This is important because you are at a better position to tell when a property is a good investment and thus you won’t delay to invest in it before someone else does. Making investments with a team of other real estate professionals is quite important as doing it individually can turn out to be too expensive. Investing with professionals will also be advantageous as you will gain market knowledge, and differing perspectives especially if you bring forth professionals such as an attorney, contractor, banker, and yourself of course. This team will give a well-rounded scope of knowledge for anything that would happen to come up throughout the course of your first few investment properties. 

 In conclusion, there are many challenges that as a  real estate agent, you are likely to face: you won’t receive any payment not matter how long you work unless you make a sale, You have to adapt to the market conditions that constantly keep on changing.  However with this in mind, there are numerous rewards both professionally and financially to those who pursue this career. Identifying different income streams in real estate as an agent will see you earn more and become a success in this career.

All the best growing your business!

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